Unit: Troop 52
District: St Clair
Council: Lewis and Clark
Charter Org: Wolf Branch PTC
Swansea, IL
Approved: 15 May 2014
Annual Dues
- The Troop collects Adult Leader fees at the amount set by BSA during the annual recharter process ($15.00 as of January 2012).
- The Troop collects Scout fees at the amount set by BSA during the annual recharter process ($15.00 as of January 2012), plus $25.00 for Troop fees. Troop fees cover advancement awards and basic operating supplies.
- Subscriptions to Boys Life may be optionally purchased during annual recharter at the current BSA subscription price ($12.00 as of January 2012).
- Dues for new members are prorated based on the actual date joining the troop.
- Scouts and/or adults failing to pay annual dues will not be allowed to participate in any Troop activity until such dues are paid in full.
- May be changed in response to fee increases imposed by BSA or increased costs to operate by affirmative vote of majority of Troop Committee members attending regularly scheduled committee meeting.
Event Planning, Fees, Registration, and Cancellation
- The ScoutMaster will work with Scout Leaders each October to outline the next year’s desired venues and activities for events.
- The Outdoor Activity Chairman will do initial event planning, reservations, Trip Plans, and solicit qualified adult volunteers to serve as event CampMasters (excluding Summer Camp, which is handled by the Troop Committee Chairman). The Outdoor Activity Chairman will hand off an event to the assigned CampMaster for detailed planning and execution after the sign-up period closes.
- All adults are encouraged to qualify and volunteer as CampMasters; without one, events will be cancelled.
- All adults are encouraged to maintain CPR & First Aid certifications, and BSA Hazardous Weather, Safety Afloat, and Safe Swim Defense training.
- The normal troop campout fee is $25.00 per scout and $5 per adult. This covers the usual food, supplies and campsite fees. Additional fees may be charged if the campout requires special equipment rental, purchases, or registration fees. An estimated cost will be published on the sign-up sheet.
- After all campout expenses and fees have been collected:
- If the expenses exceed the fees by $25 or more, the scouts who attended the campout will be charged the difference per scout rounded up to the nearest dollar.
- If the fees exceed the expenses by $5 or more per scout, the scouts who attended the campout will receive the difference per scout rounded down to the nearest dollar.
- The Troop Treasurer will have the discretion to apply this specific policy.
- The Outdoor Activity Chairman will request RSVPs for events; parents and scouts are highly encouraged to RSVP early so event logistics are easier to plan. Normally, sign-ups will be closed on the Monday night of the Scout meeting preceding the event. However, certain events may require earlier headcounts or special rentals/fees; those dates will be announced when the call for sign-ups is made.
- If you cannot make a campout please inform the Outdoor Activity Chairman / CampMaster immediately; please verify you made contact (after the sign-up cut-off date passes, contact the CampMaster). You must cancel no later than noon on the Wednesday prior to the campout. If you do not cancel prior to this time (except in cases of family emergency), you will be charged for the campout as food and other supplies were already purchased for your scout to attend. Some events may incur costs earlier; this will be announced on the sign-up sheet, and cancelling after the costs are incurred will require reimbursement of those fees.
- The CampMaster may cancel an event at any time, after consulting the ScoutMaster and/or Outdoor Activity Chairman.
Family Member Participation at Troop Activities
A Troop 52 family weekend outing will be held once each calendar year at a time and location to be determined by the Troop 52 Committee membership. This is a unique opportunity for other family members to experience a scouting camping experience first hand. This annual event will be announced well in advance to give family members ample opportunity to adequately prepare for the event. Parents/guardians who are attending these activities are welcome to bring other immediate family members who wish to participate.
The welfare and security of individuals not insured through the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) will be the responsibility of the adult family members. All visiting family members are encouraged to participate in the same activities as the scouts and will be charged a fee equivalent to the fee imposed on the BSA scout member attending the activity. Troop 52 may provide accommodations based upon availability on a first-come, first-served basis and the approval of the Troop 52 Committee membership. When camping equipment is not available, visiting family members must acquire equipment from other sources as their needs may dictate.
Non-BSA sponsored children and/or adults will be responsible to provide their own transportation to and from the scouting activity. Scouts are permitted to travel with their family, but under no circumstances will scouts be permitted to travel with individuals other than their family or a BSA-insured individual.
Troop 52 has many other activities throughout the year where scouts are instructed in many character-building activities and learn how to become better citizens. Unfortunately, family participation in some of these activities is not always possible. Legal liability and limited resources may at times limit participation of non-BSA sponsored individuals to only troop meetings and special ceremonies. Participation in activities other than those will be handled on a case-by-case basis and will also require approval from the Troop 52 Committee membership.
Summer Camp
- Depending upon the number of scouts attending camp and any “free leader” arrangements offered by the council, the troop will cover the camp registration fee up to three adult leaders as long as they attend the entire week of camp.
Scout Accounts
- It is recommended, but not required, that a minimum positive balance of $25.00 should be in your Scout Account at all times.
- If a Scout Account is negative $50.00 or more, the Scout will not be allowed to participate in campouts until the balance is made positive, unless arrangements have been made with the Treasurer to pay off the balance in installments.
- If you wish to make a deposit into your Scout Account bring a check to the Troop meeting and provide it to the Treasurer. Please include the Scout's name in the Memo field.
- Scout Account balance may be requested by phone or email to the Treasurer.
Purchases and Reimbursements
The need to purchase equipment and supplies for troop functions and camping events are a normal part of troop operations. While most items and their expected expenses are typically understood prior to the purchase, some occur due to unexpected events. To ensure clear financial records, accountability and a quicker reimbursement check, the following rules are to be used:
- All equipment purchases are to be discussed and approved by the Troop Committee prior to the purchase.
- The following purchased are preapproved by the Troop Committee:
- Merit Badges
- Rank patches
- Certificates
- Blue Cards
- The only people that you should turn your receipt into are: Treasurer or Committee Chairman (who turns it into the Treasurer at the next available date).
- If you do not turn in your receipts within two troop meetings of the campout or expenditure, you WILL NOT receive your reimbursement, unless special arrangements have been made with the Treasurer ahead of time.
- The original receipt MUST be turned in. If it is to be returned, the Treasurer will make a copy of it for their records.
- Campout expenditures can be reimbursed by crediting their Scout Account
- Troop Trailer transportation is reimbursed at the rate of 50 cents per mile (based on IRS 2012 mileage reimbursement rates for Business use), plus tolls and parking fees, if any, at cost. The Treasurer or Outdoor Activity Chairman will determine the round trip mileage, No adjustment shall be made for any difference between the figures set by the Troop Outdoor Activity Coordinator and the actual figures. The reimbursement will be split if two different vehicles transport the trailer.
Equipment/Gear Use Policy
The primary use of Troop 52 equipment/gear is to support Troop 52 Boy Scout and Venture Crew group activities. The equipment may be obtained through purchases using troop funds or through donations by various organizations and/or individuals. The troop quartermasters are responsible for inventory and routine maintenance of troop equipment. In the event that the quartermasters cannot attend a troop activity, the attending registered adult leaders assume responsibility for the equipment. Normal equipment care such as cleaning gear and drying wet tents after use is shared by the scouts.
Troop equipment may also be used by scouts for scouting activities that are not attended by the troop as a group. For example, OA Ordeal or Brownsea camps may require scouts to provide their own tents. The scout is responsible for returning the gear clean, dry, and ready for the next use. Individual equipment use must be coordinated with the troop quartermaster(s).
In addition to scout activities, troop equipment may be used by registered adult leaders for non-scouting activities per the following:
- Equipment must be "checked out" through coordination with the troop quartermaster(s), Scoutmaster and Committee Chairman.
- The registered adult leader who has "checked out" the gear assumes all responsibility for the use and liability of the equipment.
- The registered adult leader is responsible for any repair and/or replacement of damaged equipment prior to the next troop group activity.
- The cost of equipment repairs/replacement due to damage incurred during non-scouting activity is the responsibility of the registered adult leader.
Active Participation Requirements
For a scout to attain promotions in rank and for other achievements, a scout is required to be an active participant of Troop 52 and of his patrol. The following is Troop 52’s policy for active participation in the Troop and patrol.
- Troop meetings: A scout who wishes to advance must attend 50% of the troop meetings during the tenure requirement period (for example, 4 months for Star rank, 6 months for Life) immediately preceding the scout’s request to advance in rank.
- Monthly Outings: A scout who wishes to advance must attend 50% of the troop outings during the tenure requirement period immediately preceding the scout’s request to advance in rank. Partial attendance to an outing is discouraged, but may be allowed by permission of the Scoutmaster at least 24 hours IN ADVANCE and if the scout attends at least 50% of the outing (including 50% of the overnight stays) and participates in at least 50% of the activities conducted during the entire outing.
- Summer Camp: In order to attend any summer camp attended by the Troop, a scout must attend 50% of the overnight campouts held by the troop within the previous year, or in the case of scouts new to the troop, the time period commencing with crossover or enrollment in the troop until summer camp. This requirement may be waived by the Scoutmaster or the Committee for an individual scout for good cause.
- Excessive absences may result in failure to advance. As with any Troop 52 guidelines, the attendance requirements may be modified by the Scoutmaster or Committee, and may be increased or decreased in number, for an individual scout for cause.
Merit Badge Library Plan
Troop 52 will maintain a catalog of all of the merit badge books owned by the troop. The Troop 52 Librarian will keep track of which scout has which book checked out in the same way the library does. The troop will tape a pouch onto the back cover of each book that will hold a credit card identifying the book. The Troop Librarian will check out books from the library before and after meetings. The Troop Librarian will write the name and phone number of the scout borrowing a book on the book's identification card and the card will be filed in a box under the date on which it is due. Books will be allowed to be checked out for 4 weeks. If a book becomes overdue, the Troop Librarian will contact the scout to remind him to bring the book to the next meeting.
Merit Badge Guidelines
Before beginning work on any merit badge, a scout must first obtain the Scoutmaster’s advance consent to work on that merit badge. After obtaining the Scoutmaster’s approval, the scout must then obtain a “blue card” from the advancement chairperson. Scouts are not to work on more than three (3) merit badges simultaneously without advance consent of the Scoutmaster. Failure to obtain advance consent may result in denial of the merit badge(s).
An exception to the 3 merit badge limit is the 20-night campout requirement for the Camping merit badge. Scouts may begin tracking their completion of the campout requirement with their first campout. (Note that staying in a cabin does not count towards the 20 nights of camping.)
With the advance consent of the Committee, a scout may work on the long-term (30 days or more) requirements for other merit badges in addition to working on 3 merit badges simultaneously.
Troop 52 shall maintain a current list of available merit badge counselors associated with Troop 52 who will arrange to meet with scouts during or outside of troop meetings or other functions, to work with scouts on merit badges. Scouts who are members of Troop 52 are expected to first contact a merit badge counselor associated with Troop 52. If the Troop 52 counselor is not available to work on the merit badge, and with the advance consent of the Troop 52 Committee, the scout may work with a merit badge counselor selected from the Okaw Valley merit badge counselor list.
The Scoutmaster, or any Troop 52 adult leader designated by the Scoutmaster, may test the scout on any merit badge requested to be awarded to the scout to verify the scout has learned the merit badge material.
A parent shall not serve as merit badge counselor with his or her son unless another leader or another scout is present during the merit badge counseling sessions, and with the advance consent of the Scoutmaster.
A Troop 52 leader who is also a merit badge counselor planning to work with a scout on a merit badge shall make an announcement to the troop so that additional scouts may, on a first-come, first-served basis, work simultaneously on that merit badge. The merit badge counselor may limit the number of scouts working simultaneously with that counselor.
If merit badge instruction is offered as a troop activity during a troop meeting or troop function (for example, First Aid), all scouts will be expected to participate. If the scout has already received the merit badge, that scout will be expected to assist in the instruction of other scouts.
Uniform Policy
The Boy Scouts of America is a uniformed organization. This means that the members are expected to wear proper uniforms at all Scouting activities unless specified otherwise. There are two types of uniforms: Class A and Class B.
The Class A Uniform will consist of the Boy Scout Shirt (with appropriate patches and insignia), official Scout pants or shorts. Scouts who do not wear the official Scout pants will be expected to wear dark colored jeans (long or short legs) or khaki pants (long or short legs). Sweat pants of any color, brightly colored pants or shorts are not acceptable Scout wear. The Class A uniform should be worn to all Scout functions unless otherwise directed.
Optional parts of the Class A Uniform include an olive colored merit badge sash and various BSA jackets and coats. The merit badge sash is to be worn only with the Class A Uniform and is considered as "dress attire." The dress attire should only be worn at special events such as Courts of Honor, banquets, or as otherwise instructed. A BSA uniform ball cap or official hat is optional as well.
The Class B Uniform, which is to be worn when directed, and while camping, consists of any BSA casual shirt with the same pants wear policy as the Class A Uniform. Troop 52 has an official Class B T-shirt for summer and a sweatshirt for winter that is available for purchase.
Shoes are to be worn at all times. No open toed shoes, i.e., sandals, flip-flops, etc., are allowed to be worn accept during water activities. Tennis shoes are acceptable, however, take into consideration the type of activity, i.e., hiking and winter camping, when making your decision and wear the appropriate shoes or boots.
Troop Web Site Requirements
Troop 52 will adhere to minimum standards and requirements as dictated by the Lewis and Clark Council and as set forth by the Troop 52 Committee.
- Lewis and Clark Council Executive Board, Council Information and Technologies Committee.
- Boy Scouts of America Electronics Publishing Division for council web sites.
The following standards and requirements are established within Troop 52.
- The appropriate unit leadership must have control over the content of the unit's official web site (i.e. the unit committee, uniformed leadership and chartered partner representative). If youth members are involved, they must be under the direct supervision of adults who have control of all content.
- The content of the unit site must be appropriate to the Scouting movement and consistent with the Scout Law.
- A unit site shall not contain any links directly to any site that contains material that is not appropriate to the Scouting movement.
- A unit web site should not contain full names, addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses or other identifying information about youth members.
- No unit site should contain bulletin boards or chat rooms that make it possible for youth members to communicate with others through the site.
- A unit site should consider the safety and privacy of members by obtaining permissions to release information about or identifying images of any specific person.
- A unit site should not contain any advertisements or commercial endorsements, except for the organization providing the site service if it’s provided for free or at discount. If a site does contain advertising, care should be taken to make certain that none of the advertising is inconsistent with the purposes of Scouting.
- A standard money-earning application must be filed with the council before any merchandise is offered for sale on a unit web site. No merchandise can be sold through a unit web site using electronic fund transfers.
- A unit site must abide by all laws regarding copyrights, trademarks and other intellectual property.
- A unit site must include the name of the unit's chartered partner, contact information for the unit committee and an e-mail contact address for reaching the person managing the site, so visitors can report any problems or concerns.
- A unit web site should never be made to appear more official than it is. The page should not represent itself as an official publication of the council or national organization of Boy Scouts of America, not even to casual readers.
- Should a unit web site move or be abandoned after a link to the council site is established, the council should be notified by e-mail or other means, so that the link can be changed or removed.